What We Do

Several years ago, I was on a field trip during a convening in Detroit. Amidst the dilapidated buildings of a defunct auto plant, with small trees reclaiming the space, our guide proclaimed:

“We are at the end of a 500-year epoch in human history, and we need to develop the new values, practices, and communities that will shape the future.”

DIG IN is a commitment to affecting this kind of positive, transformative change.


Cultivate Connection

DIG IN focuses on cultivating connection by offering coaching, workshops, facilitated strategy sessions, and place-based experiences which allow people to connect with themselves, their colleagues and communities, their place and the planet.

Connection and the understanding it provides is the starting point for transformation.


Seed Inspiration

The poet Mary Oliver writes “Every day I see or hear something that more or less kills me with delight…”

Through cultivating connection and providing experiences that allow for slowing down, engaging in meaningful conversations, and exploring new possibilities, DIG IN allows for awe, wonder, and inspiration to take root.

DIG IN designs leadership development experiences which inspire participants to step into their own future, individually and collectively, and to take action that builds from that inspiration.


Grow Transformation

DIG IN’s work with individuals and groups helps people envision, plan for, and move toward a transformative future. Our facilitated sessions and strategic advising encourage strengthened relationships, new possibilities and action.